Sunday 27 October 2013

It's #Hastag Day!

Hello readers!
It’s #Hashtag Day today!

What is hashtag?
A hashtag is a label for content. It helps others who are interested in a certain topic, quickly find content on that same topic.
A hashtag looks something like this:  #Facebook or #socialmediaweekmalaysia
Hashtags are used mostly on social media sites.  
For business that uses hashtags, it creates an extra advantage in promoting the products or services as customers will indirectly click the hashtags items.
The main reason to use hashtag is to increase exposure and organize content. 
Twitter makes hashtag famous by creating a communication platform call trending. 

So, what’s trending on Twitter? That’s what they often say.
But now you can use hashtags on other social platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+.

How can I use hashtags?Typical uses of hashtags:

  • Express emotions: #surprised #speechless #frustrated
  • Identify places or brands or events: #Hawaii #Ferrari #CoolEvent
  • Make recommendations: #MustRead #MustWatch #NowPlaying
  • Connect with like-minded individuals: #CatLovers #TVaddicts

Lately, social media users have indicated that too much hashtags only causes annoyance – as they define it as hashtag pollutions. Is that true?

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