Wednesday 18 September 2013

Twitter Statistics 2012


Cool facts about Twitter in 2012!
  • There are over 465 million Twitter accounts.
  • Twitter is growing at a rate of 11 accounts per second.
  • On a busy day, twitter sees about 175 million tweets.
  • The US has 107.7 million Twitter accounts, Brazil has 33.3 million and Japan 29.9 million. This means that the US represents 28.1 percent of all Twitter users.
  • The Netherlands is the most active country on Twitter – 33% of accounts located in the Netherlands posted at least one publicly visible tweet between September 1 2011 and November 30 2011 – Japan was second with 30%, Spain third with 29% and the US made a four-way tie with Indonesia, Venezuela and Canada at 28%.
  • The global average of accounts that are active (or those that have tweeted at least once in three months) is only 27% – which would indicate that less than a third of Twitter’s total accounts actually actively use the service.
  • 30% of twitter users have an income over $100,000.

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