Saturday 28 September 2013

Social Media in Plain English

A simple story that illustrates the forces shaping social media.
Have fun watching!
If you could not play the video, click this link below

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014

With new social networking platforms appearing from behind every corner, it can be hard to know exactly where to commit your time and resources. And as we move into the latter-half of 2013, it’s important to look ahead to where social networking is going, and how we can get on board. 

As I think about the trends in social media so far this year, I’ve compiled a list of my predictions as to where we’re headed as we inch towards 2014.

1. Investment in Social Media Will Become a Necessity, Not a Luxury

While I’d argue that investing time and resources into a social media strategy is most definitely a necessity in 2013, I believe the tipping point in public sentiment from ‘should have’ to ‘must have’ will occur in 2014.

Businesses are already coming to terms with the need to integrate their social media efforts with their content strategy, and are seeing the impact of social media in terms of lead generation, referral traffic, and revenue.

As businesses see these very real and measurable benefits, I believe we’ll see a move away from assigning social media tasks to existing employees, and see even more companies hiring social media strategists or full-time social media managers.

The benefits of social media are many, but they include:
  • Improved social signals (which are a factor in the search ranking algorithm).
  • Company branding
  • Improved brand awareness
  • Word-of-mouth advertising
  • Increased customer loyalty and trust
  • Improved audience reach and influence

Social media is also one of the three pillars of SEO.

2. Google+ Will Become a Major Factor

While Facebook continues to lead the pack in terms of number of active monthly users (1.15 billion at last count), Google+ is quickly gaining steam, and in fact, now has the second highest number of monthly users (343 million).

With Google using the platform to collect personal information (think demographics, location, etc.), Google+ should no longer be thought of as ‘just’ another social network. It’s increasingly proving itself to be an integral part of Google’s grand scheme in terms of SEO, social signals and providing a more personalized search experience. This is especially apparent with the importance of Google Authorship, which I project will be one of the key components to Google’s search ranking algorithm by the end of 2014.

I believe that businesses who are finding themselves spread thin with their social media efforts will increasingly turn to Google+ as the closest thing we have to a ‘one size fits all’ social network.

As Google+ moves towards even greater integration with other aspects of the web – as they’ve already done with their foray into local search – I think we’ll see its growth skyrocket, both in terms of business and personal use. For information on how to start using Google+, read “How to Breathe Life into Your Google+ Profile.”

3. Image-Centric Networks Will See Huge Success

We’ve seen a consistent trend in 2013 toward sharing through image and video, rather than text-based content. Visual content will increasingly become a critical piece of any solid content strategy, and social networking site Pinterest will continue to shed its reputation as a ‘women’s only’ network and become an integral part of retailers’ marketing strategies.

Other image-based social media sites like Slideshare, Tumblr, Path, and Mobli will continue to grow, and businesses will need to become more mindful about the ‘sharability’ factor of photos on their websites and blogs in order to derive significant benefit from their social media content marketing efforts.

4. We’ll Witness the Rise of Micro-Video

It seems that writing 140 characters and taking 3 minute long videos is becoming too tedious for many of us. Micro video to the rescue!

With the emergence of micro video apps like Twitter’s Vine and now Instagram’s video sharing feature, we’re seeing even more movement toward real-time video sharing. And not just any videos; with Instagram allowing 3-15 seconds per video, and Vine allowing precisely 6 seconds, users are even more likely to create and share videos from their smartphones.

It will be interesting to see if and how these bite-sized pieces of content will change the playing field when it comes to video-based social media.

5. Foursquare Will Decline Sharply

With stale traffic numbers, and significant difficulties raising capital in 2013, Foursquare continues to struggle its way towards 2014.

With other social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offering location-based features, it seems like only a matter of time before Foursquare folds and their users are absorbed into these other networks.

6. MySpace, Love it or Hate it, Will Grow

With their radical makeover and re-branding efforts earlier this year, MySpace appears to be getting its second wind. Offering an iPhone app that allows users to network, receive private messages, and listen to their own personalized radio station, MySpace seems to be on track for growth in 2014.

I don’t see MySpace ever again competing in the same space as Facebook or Twitter, but it will be interesting to see how the network grows among bands and music-lovers.

7. LinkedIn Will Become a Major Player for B2B Business Growth

Still holding steady as the #1 social networking site for professionals with 238 million users, LinkedIn isn’t just sitting on its heels. With the launch of its Influencers program, LinkedIn is positioning itself as not only another networking site, but as one of the largest sources of content creation and curation for professionals.

As it grows and attracts even more users, the advantages of being “linked in” will become enormous for B2B marketers. For a guide on how to use LinkedIn for Marketing, see my article “The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Marketing.”

Final Thoughts

Facebook and Twitter show no signs of imminent decline, but it will be interesting to see how they innovate to keep up with the growth of Google+ as well as image and video-based networks.

With social media behemoth Facebook turning 10 in 2014 (has it really been that long?), they’ll continue to focus efforts on mobile, and on offering advertisers opportunities to better target their ads. And while Twitter continues to be the golden child amongst B2B marketers, I’m curious to see if and how the rise of Google+ will impact its market share.

While most business owners are aware of the necessity of having a social media strategy, I believe 2014 will be the year where a majority will finally understand the necessity to commit the necessary time and resources to their social media efforts. I’m excited to see which up-and-coming networks grab a share of the market, and which have already run their course. If you’re a business owner looking to build your social media presence, I recommend this article: “How to Determine Which Social Media Network Fits Your Business.”

Contributor: Jayson DeMers 

Where Should You Post Your Status?

Thursday 19 September 2013

Online Shopping - A Niche Market

Online shopping? Whether as the sellers or the buyers, everyone seems to be doing it! 

Some forms are best for part-time endeavors for those looking to make a little extra money on the side, while others can lead to full-time jobs and internet success stories.  

And of cause, whatever that you sell, there will always be customers who are interested to purchase it!

The most common form of business in social media is through Facebook.

Thousands and thousands of companies and even individuals published their own business page. As more users like their page, the business will expand.

How easy is that!

Of cause, you need to start somewhere. Participating in social media courses definitely will benefits you.

Social Media Week Malaysia 2013 proudly organize courses specialized in social media - to help individuals and companies to boost and increase their sales through social media! At the same time, these courses helps to advance yourself in understanding the social media perspective.

If you are interested to join these courses, log on here for more info

Wishes you all the best for your future undertakings in the social media world! 

Social Media Week Malaysia 2013


Want to become a social media expert?

Master the online business through social media?

Increase your sales?

Work at home and make profit?

Build your own network?

Then you should be part of Social Media Week Malaysia 2013!

For more information, log on to

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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites

Here's the latest list of top 15 most popular social networking sites!
(Updated on September 2013)

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Pinterest
  5. MySpace
  6. Google+
  7. DeviantArt
  8. LiveJournal
  9. Tagged
  10. Orkut
  11. CafeMom
  12. Ning
  13. Meetup
  14. myLife

Twitter Statistics 2012


Cool facts about Twitter in 2012!
  • There are over 465 million Twitter accounts.
  • Twitter is growing at a rate of 11 accounts per second.
  • On a busy day, twitter sees about 175 million tweets.
  • The US has 107.7 million Twitter accounts, Brazil has 33.3 million and Japan 29.9 million. This means that the US represents 28.1 percent of all Twitter users.
  • The Netherlands is the most active country on Twitter – 33% of accounts located in the Netherlands posted at least one publicly visible tweet between September 1 2011 and November 30 2011 – Japan was second with 30%, Spain third with 29% and the US made a four-way tie with Indonesia, Venezuela and Canada at 28%.
  • The global average of accounts that are active (or those that have tweeted at least once in three months) is only 27% – which would indicate that less than a third of Twitter’s total accounts actually actively use the service.
  • 30% of twitter users have an income over $100,000.

Follow us on Twitter! @apdevents

Monday 16 September 2013

Re-Post : Social Media Week Malaysia 2013

If you are into social media and would like to take advantage of the phenomena, be part of Social Media Week Malaysia 2013!

Social Media Week Malaysia will be organised from 23 - 29 November 2013.

There are numbers of interesting and informative courses that will be conducted by distinguished speakers. The topic of the courses include:

1. Developing iPhone and Android Apps for Profit and Corporate Effectiveness for

    23 & 24 November 2013

2. Social Media for Brand Management and Integration With Marketing Communication.
     25 & 26 November 2013

3. Boosting & Increasing Sales and Marketing Using Facebook E-Commerce.
    27 November 2013

4. Workshop: Social Media Selling Strategies and Techniques.
    28 November 2013

5. Social Media Networking 2013
    29 November 2013

So, what are you waiting for? Let's be part of Social Media Week Malaysia 2013!

For more information, please log on to

If you are interested to join the courses, please contact us at 03-2162 6828 or email us at

Teaser for Social Media Week Malaysia 2013

Check out Social Media Week Malaysia 2013 teaser!

 Subscribe us at Youtube!

Friday 13 September 2013

Hello everyone!

Social Media Week Malaysia 2013 is coming around the corner!

Fun-filled-informative courses are organised just for you!

Check out our cool courses!

1. Developing iPhone and Android Apps for Profit and Corporate Effectiveness for

    23 & 24 November 2013

2. Social Media for Brand Management and Integration With Marketing Communication.
    25 & 26 November 2013

3. Boosting & Increasing Sales and Marketing Using Facebook E-Commerce.
    27 November 2013

4. Workshop: Social Media Selling Strategies and Techniques.
    28 November 2013

5. Social Media Networking 2013
    29 November 2013

So, what are you waiting for? Let's be part of Social Media Week Malaysia 2013!

For more information, please log on to

If you are interested to join the courses, please contact us at 03-2162 6828 or email us at

Social Media

Like, Follow, Connect!

Hello everyone!

Don't forget to like us on Facebook

And yes, follow us on Twitter!


Not to forget, connect with us in LinkedIn!

Plus, we just entered the world of Pinterest! Follow us!

Thank you everyone! 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Social Media for Business Statistics 2012

These are the prove that social media plays an important role in businesses:
  • 36% of social media users post brand-related content.
  • 2 out of 3 social media users believe Twitter influences purchases.
  • 50% of people follow brands in social media.
  • 75% of companies now use Twitter as a marketing channel.
  • 60% of employees would like help from employers to share relevant content.
  • 40% of companies admit to having no training or governance of social media.
  • 41 percent of the class of 2011 used social media in their job search.
  • 38% of CEOs label social media a high priority, and 57% of businesses plan to hike their social media spend in 2012.
  • One in three small businesses are now using social media.
  • 89 percent of agencies said they would use Facebook to advertise for their clients in 2012 – either by purchasing ads, creating pages, or other methods of engagement.
  • 39% of agencies said they would focus on Twitter, 36% YouTube, 21% LinkedIn and 18% Google+. 
  • Posts from Facebook pages with 10,000 fans reach 30 percent to 40 percent of their fans, posts from pages with 100,000 fans reach 20 percent to 30 percent of their fans and posts from pages with 1,000,000 or more fans reach 10 percent of their fans.

Facebook Statistics 2012

Here's Facebook statistics for 2012:
  • There are over one billion Facebook posts per day.
  • A new study from Edgerank Checker suggests that the average lifetime for a Facebook Page post is only three hours.
  • Facebook has 845 million active users.
  • There are 2.7 billion likes/comments per day.
  • Facebook has reached 100 billion friendships.
  • There are 250 million photos uploaded each day.

Whoaa! Isn't that amazing?

Happy Facebooking! 

Social Media Landscape

Social Media Networking Convention 2013

This is a lifetime opportunity for you to gain new knowledge and build your own network!

Be part of Social Media Networking Convention 2013!

This convention will be organised on 29th November 2013 at  JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

The main purpose of this event is to advance public knowledge regarding how you can use social media platforms to engage your target market and deliver competitive edge to your business. This event also aims to promote networking and business-matching amongst market participants and speakers. This convention is conducted by distinguished and professional speakers!

What are you waiting for? Register now!

To register, please click on the link below:

Log on here for more info: 

Payment details:

  • Early Birds: Registration and Payment by 24thOctober 2013 – RM950.00 per person

  • Group Discount (Two or more persons from same organization) – RM1000.00 per person

  • Regular Fee – RM1100.00 per person

(The above fees are inclusive of lunch/tea-breaks/valuable seminar materials & certificate)

Crossed Cheque/Bank Draft payable to ASIA PACIFIC DILIGENCE SDN. BHD.

Mailing Address :

36th Floor, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Person: Ms. Shida / Ms. Erna Tel: 03-2162 6828 Fax: 03-2162 7828 / 03-2163 7828
E-mail: Website:

Workshop: Social Media Selling Strategies and Techniques

Social Media has taken sales to another level as customers have become increasingly unreachable. But how do you avoid the most common social media pitfalls? What must you do before launching social media campaigns? How can you integrate these complimentary social media platforms with your sales strategies? Mastering these social media selling strategies will help you get the most from your social media campaigns and increase sales by reaching the unreachable customer.
If you would like to know all the tips required, then you should join this exciting workshop!

This workshop will be organised on 28th November 2013 at  JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

 Mr Tom Abbot

The invited speaker, Mr Tom Abbot, is the founder and director of Soho Sales Coaching, a coaching company providing customized sales training, developmental coaching, e-learning and keynote speaking engagements to companies worldwide looking to develop sales leaders and improve overall sales performance. He is also  a member of the Asia Professional Speakers-Singapore, Canadian Professional Sales Association, International Coach Federation and Marketing Institute of Singapore. In addition to coaching, speaking and training, Tom is the author of the highly acclaimed book 'The SOHO Solution: 21 Selling Strategies For Growing Your Small Business' (foreword by Don Hutson, co-author of "The One Minute Negotiator" and endorsed by business and sales experts Jim Cathcart, Dr. Peter Legge and Dr. Tony Alessandra). He has more than 10 years of experience in helping companies increase their sales.

To register, please click on the link below:

For more info, please log on to

Payment details:
  • Early Birds: Registration and Payment by 24thOctober 2013 – RM888.00 per person
  • Group Discount (Two or more persons from same organization) – RM928.00 per person
  • Regular Fee – RM988.00 per person

(The above fees are inclusive of lunch/tea-breaks/valuable seminar materials & certificate)

Crossed Cheque/Bank Draft payable to ASIA PACIFIC DILIGENCE SDN. BHD.

Mailing Address :
36th Floor, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Person: Ms. Shida / Ms. Erna Tel: 03-2162 6828 Fax: 03-2162 7828 / 03-2163 7828
E-mail: Website:

Boosting & Increase Sales and Marketing Using Facebook E-Commerce

This seminar is specially design for everyone to utilise Facebook as a marketing tool. In this seminar, you get to know the steps to make Facebook as a business landscape by understanding Facebook business page, strategies to increase your fan base and many more! It will be a fun-filled course that surely brings you excitement as well as knowledge. 

This seminar will be organised on 27th November 2013 at  JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Seminar outline:

1. The social media landscape
2. Why Facebook
3. Facebook Business Page
4. Strategies to increase your fan base
5. Power targeting using Facebook advertisement
6. Fan-gating page/landing page
7. Content marketing
8. Call-to-action
9. Editorial Calendar
10. AIDA Model
11. Latest Facebook E-Commerce Solutions

To register, please click on the link below:
Payment details:
  • Early Birds: Registration and Payment by 24thOctober 2013 – RM888.00 per person
  • Group Discount (Two or more persons from same organization) – RM928.00 per person
  • Regular Fee – RM988.00 per person

(The above fees are inclusive of lunch/tea-breaks/valuable seminar materials & certificate)

Crossed Cheque/Bank Draft payable to ASIA PACIFIC DILIGENCE SDN. BHD.

Mailing Address :
36th Floor, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Person: Ms. Shida / Ms. Erna Tel: 03-2162 6828 Fax: 03-2162 7828 / 03-2163 7828
E-mail: Website: